Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time for a laugh

I had a CT Scan of my lower back recently and have a bulging disk which hurts like hell. So I now have a lot more medication to take, along with my anti rejection medication whose pack is riddled with things I'm not supposed to do, ie do not operate machinery, keep out of the sun, don't eat grapefruit etc etc.

For those of you familiar with Cheech and Chong it's like a scene out of one of their movies.
"Here man, this one will take you up, wait no no this one will bring you down" as one give the other drugs to swallow as they think they are about to be busted by the police.

I'm starting to rattle I'm so full of pills lol and my brain is in a permanent state of confusion, I've managed to loose 4 Debit cards this year alone.

So learning maxscript seemed like a great idea hahaha
Despite the affect all the meds have on my memory it funilly enough actually seems to help me. It doesn't make me any more intelligent though, and I still do really stupid things but I enjoy scripting even though I learn it in a round about way rather than a linear way by working through the maxscript help file etc.

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