Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mass Setting Helper formally openNexter

The ini file now stores all the settings. Thanks to lo on cgsociety
The ini file is stored/placed in the main Max directory
The *.mcr is in the user macroscripts directory

The script allows you to go through a lot of max files to make all their settings the same proir to rendering.
It stops on each file to allow you to fix settings/problems that this script doesn't cover.
The script should work on most of your max installations 2008, 2009.....2012l

Just use the start button on one file or a whole heap, it'll set all the parameters and saves automatically.
The settings are written to an ini file the moment you close the script, and should restore them on reopening.

This has been setup for the pal and hdtv formats as well as version V-Ray Ad2.03

If you'd like me to change something to better suit what youre doing contact me at

so all credit goes to him I just changed it to suit my needs I hope it helps you.

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